Pressed down beneath a spreading world, 

  full deafened by its clamor,

We cannot find a voice to sing 

  nor yet a word to stammer.

But wait! An angel’s wing sweeps near, 

  and in its trace of glory,

Our ears are opened and we sing 

  again the Christmas story!

Son of Heaven, Song of Earth, 

  Thou art Music in Thy birth.

Play within our hearts today, 

  on this wondrous Christmas day.

Entangled now in Time’s embrace, 

  adrift without a bearing,

Mid change and loss we blunder on, 

  forgetful and despairing.

But look! The angel lights our way 

  beyond Time’s wild confusion.

So find we in this babe our Peace, 

  our Way, our sure Conclusion.

Son of Heaven, Song of Earth...

Now sing we all in pure delight, 

  this day of celebration! 

No more can darkening worlds suppress 

  our song of jubilation! 

No more can Time’s swift-flowing stream 

  conceal bright Heaven’s portal. 

For Christ is born and in this child 

  we hear the Hymn Immortal.

Son of Heaven, Song of Earth...

lyrics by Dr. Richard H. Overman

copyright © 1991 by Sunset Village Music

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